Founderā€™s Message

Agnitra foundation is a holistic science-based NGO, which is owned and run by DR Ganesh Dubey who is a spiritual guru. I have worked on different levels of spirituality and recorded sacred experiences of divinity. My ideology is rooted in a deeply spiritual family environment. I have an inherited inclination towards exploring the truth. I was highly influenced by Vivekchudamani. My soul carried me to the path of Dharma and spirituality. I feel blessed to have gained valuable knowledge from some of the prominent teachers who have experience of spiritual zenith. Through their guidance, I have been able to experience the same and would like to put the credit on the feet of my gurus.Ā As it is rightly said, ā€œa true seeker is found by the guru himselfā€.

White Light Meditation and Ruhani Satsang dawned and enticed upon him the devoir to higher learning. Meditation/Healing and spirituality seeded the belief of reaping something much more precious and permanent to achieve than material things, which has its basis lying in a higher force.

Our Motto

Our focus and objective are to design an intense combination of meditation techniques together to revitalize and enable people to deal with barriers on the emotional, physical, mental, and financial front.
Our special programs and services help us to maintain an active and independent lifestyle, through Spiritual Healing, Natural Energy Healing, Mystic & Holistic Sciences. As we inhabit an increasingly busy, connected, stressful, and complicated world we need to discover a way of reconnecting with ourselves and our inner being for better productivity.
We design specific programs catering to the needs of the Corporates and Individuals through Ancient Vedic and New era methodologies.
Our counselling sessions, seminars & workshops to individuals and corporate groups focus on the following:-

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