Lama Fera is the world’s fastest healing technique used by Buddhist monks in ancient times. ‘Lama’ means Sadguru, an enlightened Guru of either religion and ‘Fera’ means the technique of healing. The system can help increase spiritual abilities, improve the effectiveness of meditation, relieve pain and discomfort caused by chronic diseases, remove unwanted spirits, cleanse buildings, overcome fear, anxiety, stress, and mental tensions, improve memory and visualization, and assist reconnection with the higher self.
Sh. S. K. Saini, a researcher in spiritual healing and enlightenment techniques, developed Lama-Fera under Mahavajrayana between 1992 – 1995 at Nepal-Tibet Border under the guidance of ‘the Lamashri. Mandosa’’ and ‘‘Avdheshji’’ through Mantras and meditation by using aghore tantra. Further, at the end of 1995, Sh. S. K. Saini added some symbols with the use of ‘Shalvik Mantra Rahasya’ (conversion of mantras into symbols) for common people, who can practice easily without long and tough meditation.
This technique and lama fera symbols are used to release depression, which is developed in the patient due to unnecessary thoughts and mental pressure. In this 45 symbols of Shalvik Mantra Rahasya created with the vibrations of 4,50,000 mantras are converted into 12 special symbols and are used by the healer to treat the person. Today this is the number one healing technique that is available easily in all the countries of the world because the meaning of Lama Fera itself is very important.
Benefits: Release depression, fear in dreams, unknown fears, all types of chronic diseases, memory loss, and reduce the adverse effect of the tantra mantra, before time death. Releases negative energy from the atmosphere of the house, shop, and factory, protecting in future at the mental, physical and emotional levels.
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