Ramal Astrology

Ramal Shastra is as ancient as Vedic Astrology. It was originated by Lord Shiva, on request of Goddess Parvati for the benefit of the people. In the first century B.C. Arabs took this occult science with them, studied and practised it a lot, hence this science is called Arabic Astrology. When the conqueror King Alexander invaded India, he was accompanied by an astrologer who started propagating and practising Ramal Astrology. In Ramal (Arabic astrology) Shastra, the prediction is made without kundli (horoscope). There is no need for any kind of horoscope.

Ramal Astrology is a kind of questioning technique that has a direct relationship with the feelings of the person putting the question. 

Pair of dice are used in the prediction which has circles and lines on it. The feeling/attitude of the concerned person and the possible result of the question are exhibited in the dice in the form of lines and points. The result is calculated/determined by the answers written on the Poster or the chart. Ramal Shashtra is a subject of astrology but there is a huge difference between astrology and Ramal astrology. In astrology, we need to calculate details of planets and zodiacs, with very deep studies but Ramal astrology involves a beautiful set of DICE (Pase) and a complete study and knowledge of these DICE. The DICE we use for Ramal astrology is not normal DICE these are specially designed for Ramal astrology. There are some specific designs on the dice that helpā€™s us in Ramal astrology readings. Ramal Astrology is a Divine subject. and a person who has Divine blessings and sensitivity can learn this easily and will be able to help others.

You can learn Ramal Astrology by following levels:-
  • Basic Ramal Jyotish (Ramalgya)
  • Advanced Ramal Jyotish (Ramal Pandit)


Ramal Astrology- Basic

  • Duration: - 1 Day

Ramal Astrology- Master

  • Duration: - 2 Days
  • Kits Included

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